Quadira international helps organizations worldwide to easily and flexibly connect, create and share documents from ERP systems.

Thé document output specialist

We believe in software that is easy and flexible to use. In today’s world of standardization, it is becoming increasingly difficult to remain flexible and maintain a corporate identity for your outgoing documents within your standard ERP. At Quadira, we are committed to increasing the flexibility within your organization.

Our success comes from a full commitment to excellent customer service, our investment in the right staff, and in the development and enhancements to our Advanced-Forms® solution. Quadira started in 1999 as a supplier of a document output management solution. The shortcomings in the document output management solution led to the idea of ​​developing a solution called “Advanced-Forms®”. With the knowledge gained about the market in combination with the shortcomings, the most comprehensive and successful document output management solution has been created.

Quadira has been the specialist in document output management for more than 20 years. With more than 1,000 implementations, 40 trained and certified professionals and passion for the market, we are ready for any document output management challenge.

Hajo Kanters

Founder and CEO

Our product Advanced-Forms® is a cost- and time-saving software solution for your output management (incl. ERP). We developed this product according to the latest trends, innovations and standards and we strive for continuous improvement and innovation of user-friendliness and functionality.

With our team of passionate, creative and skilled professionals and our external partners we serve hundreds of happy customers, large and small, worldwide, since 1999.

Quadira international is the most innovative and flexible provider with the best value for money and is the best in the output management solutions market worldwide.

We are happy to provide you with more information about the possibilities and a short demonstration over a call. Just call or leave us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.
