Advanced-Forms® is a user friendly and flexible solution, enabling the automation of your outbound document flow (such as invoices, purchase orders, quotations, transport documents and more).

  • Print, send and archive documents automatically;
  • Add temporary promotions or personalized messages to your documents;
  • Adapt document in the language of your choice;
  • Add your corporate identity to your outgoing documents;
  • Add extra documents automatically;
  • Automate your business processes;
  • Validate your documents in the Advanced-Forms® app.

The use of Advanced-Forms® helps you work more efficiently by saving you time and resources. It reduces errors and meets both internal and external requirements for the delivery and the processing of all outbound business documents. This easy to use and the flexible formula makes Advanced-Forms® a unique output management solution, that will allow you to gain more control over your outbound document flow.

Why use Advanced-Forms®?

Features of Advanced-Forms®


Compose your workflow in a simple and flexible way and validate the outgoing quotation or credit note in the portal. Stay in control of your outbound document flow

Validation app

Users, customers and suppliers can simply validate documents via a browser app and/or the Advanced-Forms® app for both Android and iOS


Customer and country specific personalized email body. Use of CC and BCC possible. Repetitive attachments such as general terms and conditions of sale and product features


Easily convert your existing reports to Advanced-Forms®


Apply your identity to all your documents, add charts or calculate the sum total. With Advanced-Forms®, your documents will obtain a professional and personal touch. Whether it concerns an invoice, delivery note or any other document


Archive your documents with self-defined features – in your ERP application – and use the archive easily via your normal web browser. Add additional documents with specific features and distribute them (if desired) by email. The Advanced-Forms® archive can be flexibly arranged


Send as PDF, XML, Word, Excel. Just print or a combination of these

Cloud Printing

Print from a public cloud on an on-premise (label) printer. A VPN connection is no longer necessary! Or print to a printer outside your network, for example from a supplier or an external warehouse


To connect to your environment we have several interfaces, including NAV, AX, JDE, Jeeves, and SAP. Click on the logos for more specific information

Database Reader

Is the data from your application incomplete? Do you have additional information to add to your documents? The Advanced-Forms® Database Reader allows you to access all your information without any adjustments to your application
